Saturday 11 February 2012

Google Accounts??!!!

Hey I have been having this problem recently with my accounts because I just noticed that my Youtube, Blogger and possibly Hotmail is linked to my stupid Google Account forcefully!. I have been trying ALL night to figure out how to delete that Google account without having to delete all the linked accounts...BUT of course! Google doesn't approve that! Google...2 words for you...FUCK YOU! No wonder people are starting to back out from Google...This is one of the reasons! Google! Stop being a douche-bag and give people choices on what they wanna do with their YT accounts! If anyone has solutions to my problems...please let me know....k thx...BYE :)

Friday 10 February 2012

What is LOVE?

Good what is LOVE? Does LOVE have a specific definition to it? Or does it depend on the individual? Personally...I think that LOVE is not only about loving someone can also mean loving yourself...LOVE yourself before you love someone else... :) because, in order to love another must know how to have respect for your own self and to know that you are well ready to love another person. LOVE should never be rushed or forced, love should be a willing thing to every individual and how they choose to express it. So anyways, this is all I had to say...idk why I chose to talk about this...I guess it just popped up in my head ;) Bye!

New blog again???

YES again I make a new BLOG and hoping I will acctually use it....been 3 times I've been making new accounts but never seem to use yeah Hope this time I will make this blog another usable site in my life! :)